


Firstly, let me welcome you to my new babble space that is...Stylish Tix!!! I've been toying with the idea of starting a blog. And, I thought if I don't put my best foot forward now (with it being a new year & all) then it'll just continue being a thought in my blonde fuzzy head.

My aim is for Stylish Tix to be that showcase of people's idea of chalk & cheese clothing choices, becomes a nice melted cheese toasty! Ha. I'm not about conforming to conventional stereotypes whether that's from the way I look, to the way I dress. I'm all about dressing for myself! And, once that's at the forefront of your mind, then I don't think you can go wrong. When you over think a look then that's when those 'likes' stop rolling in.

Anyways, enough with my chit chat. This week I'm going to be dropping my first official fashion post. Hold tight, I'm going to focusing on one of my Stylish Fix's....SHOES!!! They really do make, break & save an outfit.


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