
'Utter'ly Good Day Out

I was recently invited to attend a focus group at Nike's 1948 store, for Utter Couture. They are in the early stages as being an online retail platform that focuses on stocking emerging & established brands. They aim is to deliver brands that they believe are unique & able to establish themselves amongst such a abundant market. And, as their motto says 'platform for the new' I can personally say that they are defiantly doing that & are also going to be driving that motto even harder in the future.

I had the opportunity to be amongst so many young, creative, like minded minds. All from different sectors within the fashion industry; company founders, designers, stylist, bloggers, etc. The list was honestly endless. We were all able to talk openly & constructively amongst one & another. Sharing our views, opinion & experiences to try & better a movement amongst our generation & that is the direction that Utter Couture is going to. So, remember where you heard it readers & be sure to have a peek at their site & see some of the insanely fashion forward brands online.

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